Autism Spectrum and Aspergers
Information and Support Videos (YouTube)
It is worth noting that I [author] do not attach the “D” to AS[D] (Autism Spectrum [Disorder]) until the person who is AS requires assistance to survive. This capable of surviving; surviving and thriving; and thriving; as independent individuals are, to me, AS, not ASD. Likewise, the categorisation of “high” and “low” functioning is meaningless, and should be replaced by high/intermediate/low/no care [needed to survive]. No care autism spectrum (AS) is Aspergers. Low care AS may be Aspergers or well adapted Autism. Intermediate and high care AS most typically present as “classically” autistic, exhibiting more obvious outward AS manifestations.
I [author] am an Aspie. I don’t “have” Asperger’s Syndrome – it isn’t a disease to be cured – but rather, is a definition of my brain’s operating system. In Identifying my Aspie operating system, I did not apply a label to myself, but found a label on the right tool-box to help me make sense of much that had been sources of frustration until now. Think of AS as a Macintosh iOS operating system, and neurotypicals as PC-Windows; until you have the appropriate user manual and software, the computer will seem to be faulty. Once you find the right software and programs, things start making sense.
Below is a series of videos, each under a sub heading, and progressing in depth of information as you scroll down. If you are new to these ideas, or have been sent here because you or someone you know may be on the spectrum, I strongly suggest watching these in sequence. Please feel free to talk to me if you want to know more, or want to discuss your own thoughts in relation to yourself or a loved on being on the spectrum.
(Below) Tony Attwood is one of the leading clinical experts in Autism Spectrum and Asperger’s (Aspies). In the video below, he discusses the modern understanding of what autism spectrum looks like. It is worth noting that almost all diagnostic criteria apply to boys on the spectrum, and often fail to detect girls (see two videos down for Aspie girls).
(Below) For women and girls who may be on the spectrum, but haven’t considered it seriously or thought about it until now, this talk is simply brilliant, and is the first video of this type I recommend to women who are/may be on the spectrum.
(Below) In the video below, Professor Attwood extends the understandings illustrated in the above video on boys in the spectrum, this time examining the manifestation and adaptation differences of girls on the spectrum.
(Below) This speaker challenges others to think differently of what many consider hurdles and disabilities as benefits; once recognised and understood. The AS/Aspie mind processes information differently, and in many cases, when applied well, those minds can far out-perform many others.
This set of talks from ladies on the spectrum is shared to aid aspies, autistics, and those who love and live with them to understand AS’s beauties and strengths, as well as it’s challenges. Also covered is why having a diagnosis [official or not] makes such a difference.
[Below] In this first video, you will gain an insight into how girls on the spectrum hide their “quirks” and learn to mask to fit in, to the point of self-deception.
[Below] Living as an undiagnosed autism spectrum person is challenging, because how the world moves around you just fails to make sense at some intrinsic levels, leading you to feel like you’re from “another planet”, “on the wrong planet”, or “born in the wrong time”.
[Below] How a diagnosis is less a label on a person, and is much more about identifying the appropriate tools and approaches to make the most of our AS operating system.
[Below] A brilliant set of short videos with questions by Aspies and Autistics, answered by Professor Tony Attwood.
[Below] An in depth look at why boys and girls manifest their social [visible] autistic traits differently, and why girls are so much ‘better’ at covering those traits – even from themselves.
[Below] A clear look at the misdiagnosis of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) in autism. Here is a clear differentiation of similar behaviours in AS vs. OCD compulsions and repetitive behaviours. Many undiagnosed Aspies/AS are misdiagnosed with OCD and ADHD; it is worth noting, however, AS does not necessarily preclude OCD and ADHD from occuring at the same time.
[Below] An in-depth presentation examining of the overlap and misdiagnosis of autism spectrum, ADHD and how executive function differences manifest in behaviours and cognition (thinking).
Further Resources
- Autism Spectrum and Asperger’s Screening Tools
- Mental Health Screening Tools.