Questions and Answers
- Myotherapy information sheet – everything you need to know about myotherapy & how we practice it.
- A client’s experience of myotherapy – a description of how it feels from a client’s side.
- Before your myotherapy visit – questions & answers
- During your myotherapy visit – questions & answers
- After your myotherapy visit – questions & answers
- Administration & procedures information – questions & answers
Jump straight to a specific question
Myotherapy Information Sheet
{Click here to view the full page}
- What is Myotherapy?
- An Introduction to Functional Therapy
- Functional Therapy in Overview
- How does Myotherapy work?
- Does a Myotherapist ‘crack’?
- Will Myotherapy work for me?
- Does Myotherapy hurt?
- Before your first Myotherapy session
- During your Myotherapy session
- After your Myotherapy session
- Why am I not sent for more tests?
- When are Myotherapy & other modalities combined?
- Using Myotherapy with other manual therapies?
- What are the Potential Risks associated with Myotherapy?
- In Summary
A Client’s Experience of Myotherapy
{Click here to view the full page}
Before Your Myotherapy Visit {Click here to view the full page}
- Why do I need to fill out a New Client Questionnaire in such detail?
- Can I download, print and bring in my New Client Questionnaire to save time?
- I have X-rays, MRIs etc, should I bring them with me?
- Can you tell me how many visits I will need?
- Can you assure me that Myotherapy can fix me?
- Other therapists in my past have not answered or even actively discouraged questions; is this going to happen here too?
- The reason I am coming in is part of a legal case, can you write a report for me?
- Do you do Work Cover, Third Party or Compo cases?
During Your Myotherapy Visit {Click here to view the full page}
- Do I have to get undressed?
- What if something is happening I am uncomfortable about?
- I don’t notice anything happening like clicking or crunching during the visit, is this normal?
- Does Craig ‘crack’?
- How much should I tell Craig about how I am feeling during the visit?
- Should I book for longer than a standard appointment block?
- I am an elite/professional sports person. Will my training negate Craig’s work?
- In which sports and fields has Craig got direct experience?
After Your Myotherapy Visit {Click here to view the full page}
- I feel a bit tight or strange, is this normal?
- If I feel a bit tight or strange but am not sure if it is right or not, what should I do?
- If I feel so good after a visit, why does it feel like part of the problem is coming back?
- Can I combine Myotherapy with other therapies?
- What’s the best thing for me to do after a consultation?
- Can I play sport / train following a visit?
Administration & Procedures {Click here to view the full page}
- Why do I get an SMS &/or call in the morning, even if I have talked to you the day before?
- Why do you send me a text three days before my appointment?
- I can’t reply to an SMS in the morning, can I confirm any other way?
- Why can’t I just let someone else I know have my appointment?
- I have booked but am also on the waitlist, how does this work?
- I have been called from the waitlist but can’t make it, does this mean I am still on it?
- What payment options can I use?
- Can I pay for an appointment for someone else, or get a gift certificate?
- Can I pay for my appointment at a later date?
- What are the Booking Conditions and Fees?